Devon Golf

All golfers belonging to an affiliated Club are members of Devon Golf

Various competitions throughout the year are organised by the County for ladies. 

We enter teams for Presidents Trophy, Sheelah Creasy Bowl and the Doris Willes Little but there are also competitions which individuals may enter.

The Devon Golf AGM is held in March and attended by the Club Representative. At the end of January each year a Members' Meeting is held, open to all.

Further information and details of competitions may be obtained from Sue Jackson or on the Devon Golf website:

Devon County Veteran Ladies Golf Association (DCVLGA)

A sub section within the county may be joined by those ladies over 60yrs old, current subscription £3. 

As with the above, various competitions throughout the year are organised, in addition there are several matches against "˜vets' teams from other counties and societies, any member declaring an interest in playing is considered. 

The AGM is held early in the New Year.

Further information and details of competitions may be obtained from Sue Barr or on the Devon County Veteran Ladies Association:

Information about the competitions for both sections can be found on the noticeboard in the ladies changing room.